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Meet the staff at Abode Gallery…

I’d like to introduce you to some of the staff at Abode Gallery.  First, meet Diana who works a full time job during the week and at Abode on weekends.

Next, meet Roger who was a "Weekender" for the last ten years and joined our staff after he retired.(link)

Then, Lulu who has an unusual title.

A couple of weeks ago, you met Lucy in her own video about her art here at Abode.

Finally, meet Tully, our number one employee.

Next week you will meet Kelli.  She helps out here at Abode and is the person behind all the interesting events at WideSpot.

We have some fascinating folks here at Abode!  Stop by soon and meet them in person. You’ll be glad you did.

Abode Gallery

PS  Let your friends know about them, too.
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